The Fujifilm Grand Prix will be awarded to the news media brand that brings together the most cohesive and compelling “print – digital – business” offering to the market – The Total Package. The entry must demonstrate how the brand has used both print and digital technologies/solutions together to ensure sustainability and future success across its portfolio of news media products – the award will not go to one-off case histories.
Judges will be looking for the news media publisher that demonstrates the best cross-platform collection of both printed and digital assets, in particular where all media types complement and add value to each other.
In addition to judging the quality of the actual assets, judges will be looking for evidence of how publishers’ multi-platform strategies have been taken to market and evidence of business success in terms of readership and revenue.
Judges require a maximum 500-word summary Word document (emailed to mark@newspaperawards.co.uk) together with six copies of relevant products and links to digital assets. All printed samples must be sent to newsawards, 25 Church Lane, Middle Barton, Chipping Norton, OXON OX7 7BX (email mark@newspaperawards.co.uk when samples are sent).
The entry will be enhanced by a brief (no more than three minutes) digital presentation.
All entries to The Grand Prix must incorporate both printed and digital news media products.